I’m back from my little Taking Care of Moo hiatus! I’m still recording in my living room, which I discuss in the video, but I’m back with a practical lesson today! 

In today’s episode of Knit Talk we’re taking a look at how to achieve a target length in your knitting without using a tape measure. And guess what? It’s all about… I know… don’t say it… your gauge! :) 

We’re not going too far in depth about gauge - I know I talk about it a lot - but I think this is an over-looked discussion point in a lot of knitter’s journey’s so we’re going to chat about it! 

Check out this week’s episode here: https://youtu.be/d4JbW1S4bjQ, or watch it below!

Yesterday was July 4th - a time to celebrate with friends and family! Oftentimes, these celebrations are accompanied by fireworks! 

I love fireworks as much as the next person, but as an animal lover, and dog-lover specifically, I know how hard fireworks can be on our pets. When those beautiful lights dazzle us in the sky, their accompanying booms can scare our pets - whose response is often to run! When those animals run, they often escape their homes, and end up lost. And those lost animals are very often taken to shelters to help find their families.

If you’ve got a couple of bucks to spare, I’d love for you to donate to Saving Hope Animal Rescue based in Fort Worth, Texas. Why there? Well that’s where I adopted our sweet Moo from! And, I happen to know that, even before our July 4th celebrations, they were/are absolutely overwhelmed with animals that have been surrendered. With the influx following July 4th, their jobs will be beyond overwhelming. 

Saving Hope is near and dear to me and if you can give even just a dollar or two, it helps! Until the end of July, I’m matching all donations up to $500 - we’re currently just shy of the halfway mark of that goal. Please consider helping out if you can! And if not Saving Hope, perhaps a local-to-you animal shelter. 

I have a link on my profile on instagram, here, where you can donate: https://www.instagram.com/notsorryknitter/

Or if you donate directly, here: https://savinghoperescue.org/donatetoday, send me an email letting me know how much you donated and I’ll be sure to match it at the end of the month!